You may have heard many dramatic stories regarding vapes and their hazards. Some have even linked vaping to the dangers of traditional cigarettes in Pakistan.
When you start arguing with vape haters, you sometimes don’t have enough arguments for keeping them at bay. In this way, it usually comes down to the fact that e-cigarettes haven’t been thoroughly researched. However, there are still a few studies from the last decade that exist. This is because e-cigarettes and vaping have recently become extremely popular.
What we know about the risks of traditional cigarettes leads us to believe that vaping might be much more dangerous, which is not true at all!
On the other hand, passive vaping is considered much more harmful, and you should be concerned about breathing secondhand smoke.
According to health authorities, passive smoking is a problem for individuals who live near smokers. But what about electronic cigarettes? Is it hazardous to one’s health? Can it affect those around you?
Well, let’s dive into this and get to know everything about passive smoking.
What Is Passive Vaping?
Passive or secondhand vaping is similar to passive smoking.
It is specifically risky to vape in the presence of non-smokers or non-vapors. They are subjected to the harmful effects of vapor and its numerous components, particularly nicotine. On the other hand, vaping with flavored food-grade liquids is not dangerous to others. It indicates that only the addition of nicotine damages the vapors around it.
The actual source of the smoke is combustion. When substances are burned, various hazardous byproducts are created. When burned, they emit carbon monoxide, volatile gases, and other dangerous byproducts such as tar.
However, in the case of vaping, secondhand smoke or passive vaping is not as hazardous as vaping directly through an e-cigarette. It is considered a significant threat if you breathe nicotine and are exposed to vapor on a regular and long-term basis.
Does It Affect Others?
It would be pretty tricky to give a negative answer. However, it has been proven far less harmful than traditional nicotine smoking.
Inhaling nicotine through traditional cigarettes is exceedingly hazardous to the human body, even without combustion. Aside from the paper, which has been treated with numerous harmful agents, the smoke contains over 4000 chemical compounds. Some of these chemicals are known carcinogens (causing or tending to cause cancer).
The California Department of Public Health examined air samples collected from vape businesses throughout the state. This was part of a study to determine the health impacts of secondhand vaping.
One of the samples for this report came from a small, poorly ventilated vape shop. Many personnel and 13 tourists at that business were actively hovering while sampling the air. As a result, this corresponds to a high level of “passive” vaping. Surprisingly, the data show no worrisome levels of any harmful chemicals.
The scientists claimed that the chemistry of e-juices and aerosols is not dangerous. They also stated that there is no proof that inhalation of vapor can harm human beings in any way.
Is It Hazardous For Children?
Vapors of e-cigarettes comprise suspended particles of vegetable glycerin. This is especially true since many vapes substitute glycerol for propylene glycol, which is highly unpleasant.
Since glycerol is quite fatty, it tends to clog the bronchi. Although this is rare and has no long-term consequences, children and newborns are more vulnerable to lung infections. This is because their lungs are still developing. Even if there is no significant danger, it is not recommended to vape near children.
Conclusive Thoughts
When it comes to vape, there is no specific evidence that it causes any kind of risk to those around it.
Vape Cave, a leading e-liquid and RDAs Tank provider in Pakistan, advises against breathing secondhand vapor.