Regulated mods are developed with a circuit board on the inside. This internal element of the device helps regulate electricity flow in the vape. The main feature of a regulated mod is that it prevents the battery from overheating with a battery-to-coil connection.
They come with digital screens which can be used to manage settings to attain the desired level of throat hit. This is also why a regulated electric vape is considered safer than an unregulated mod.
The device is highly recommended for anyone who is just embarking on their vape journey. With a regulated mod, the user does not have to worry about overloading the batteries, which can lead to an overheated circuit.
Enjoy Informed Vaping:
There is an OLED screen attached to a regulated mod. This displays the readings related to the device settings. You can check the amount of juice left as well as the battery life. It will also notify you in case the device needs a refill.
The temperature and wattage you set will also be visible on the screen. It will track the number of puffs you take each day. You can even control the level of screen brightness with the help of its numerous features.
Best Features Of A Regulated Mod:
A lot of vapers do not like to keep a constant track of the device settings. They don’t want anything to do with the power settings, all they care about is the vapor. For such people, vape manufacturers developed an advanced device that reads the resistance of the atomizer automatically.
With this information, it can deliver the power output that is suitable for your particular atomizer resistance. While the automatic wattage setting is not visualized on the screen, vapers do not have to worry about regulating it, because it will all be handled by the device itself.
Some regulated mods work on a fixed voltage. Sub-ohm mods that come in the regulated category might operate at a 30-watt fixed voltage, delivering 30 watts of power with each push of the fire button. The mechanism is similar for all types of fixed wattage mods. The standard range for each regulated mod is 3.7 volts on each puff of smoke. This means that you can experience sub-ohm vaping without having to worry about adjusting the wattage.
What To Consider Before Buying A Regulated Mod?
A lot of vapers get impressed with regulated vapes as they offer easier operations without the need for technical knowledge. The error margin in such mods is very narrow, making them one of the favorite devices for vapers. However, while using this type of mod, you must be careful not to overuse the battery, because that will over-stress the circuit, leading to chip malfunctions and board issues.
You must first identify what you expect with your mod kit? A single battery mod operating at 70-80W is ideal for someone who is not a heavy vaper. If you vape more often and like to have a stronger throat hit, you may need to get a device with two or three removable batteries.
The mod size is also a considerable factor for some types of vapers. A single battery mod is compact and easy to carry around. If you are someone with minimal technical prowess, a regulated mod is the most ideal option for you.
Buy Your Regulated Mods From Vape Cave:
So, have you decided to buy this no-hassle device to start your vaping experience? If yes, then head over to Vape Cave. We have a variety of vaping devices and regulated mods from different manufacturers. The Vape Price In Karachi at our store are competitive and reasonable. Visit our website today to explore our quality collection, and get your hands on the best regulated vaping mods in town.